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Function Hall

A spacious function hall situated at the center of Gouswarga surrounded by 1000s of Gou(Cows), Goutheertha(lake) and the intricately built Saptha Sannidhi(architectural mantap) with the divine presence of the seven deities. The hall can hold a capacity of 400 people which makes it apt for celebrating auspicious occasions.

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Sopana Auditorium

This is an open-air auditorium with the seating arrangement for around 4000 people which is situated between 1000s of Gou(Cows) and the Gouthreetha(lake). This beautiful and comfortable auditorium is built with the motive of viewing all the auspicious functions held at the 8 Goupada stages with the calming and soothing surrounding.

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Goupada Staging

This includes the eight Satsang stages surrounding the lake(Goutheertha) and the Gou(cows). This is made purely for cultural programmes as a means of auditory entertainment as well as other major discussions.

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The kitchen at Gouswarga includes the resources and equipment’s which include the utensils needed to cook for 1000 people at a time and the space to accommodate the food prepared for 3000 people. It consists of two dining hall’s which can help 500 people dine at the same time

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The courtyard has both indoor and outdoor seating which can seat 700 people at a time. It is spacious enough to accommodate close to a 1000 people when there are cultural programmes happening in and around Gou Theertha

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For pilgrims travelling from another city, state or even country; accommodation at GouSwarga would help in a comfortable stay when tourists take a visit to this heavenly abode of Desi Cows. The accomodation includes 6 cottages with all the basic facilities including washrooms, beds etc., which will help the GouLovers/GouDevotees when they visit Gouswarga as pilgrims.

Soon !!
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  • Rathapatha – The pathway for Goumata herself to sit on the chariot and ride on it in the form of Gourathotsava.
  • Gouganga – To the north of Gouswarga, a place for taking bath under a cow faced structure.
  • Gopalabhavana – To the north east of Gouswarga, a lodging place for gopalakas in remembrance of Gopalakrishna.
  • Govardhanagiri is to the west of Gouswarga. A beautiful garden resembling nandanavana- Govardhana.
  • veekshagopura At the top of govardhanagiri,lies veekshagopura,a spot which gives the panoramic view of the complete landscape-gouswarga.
  • Nandanavana To the east of Gouswarga lies a beautiful flower garden by name nandanavana, under the cool shade of arecanut gardens.The fodder requirements of Gouswarga  equals to cutting down of fresh grass of about one acre per day. To meet this requirement, a major scheme of growing our own chemical free, organic fresh grass for the cows was born- Sugrasa.
  • Surabhisoukhya – A highly modernised, complete medical care unit for cows.
  • Havanabhavana – A place to conduct homa, japa, parayana, puja,vrata and other goupasana programmes.
  • Dhyanasthana – A special place to meditate and fulfill the aim of becoming one with divine.
  • Gougranthalaya– A library which houses thousands of cow related books in various languages .
  • Govasthu Sangrahalaya– A special museum for collection of different items related to cows.
  • Sabhangana– An auditorium built to conduct cultural programmes.
  • Mini theatre– An audio visual theatre to hold various cow related programmes.
  • Maligegalu– In the center floors, stalls are built to sell different daily requirements. 
  • Gavyahara– A restaurant where various mouth watering food items made of cow based products are available.
  • Gousamshodhanalaya– A modernised research laboratory for cow related reasearches.
  • Karunavarana– A home to old and physically disabled cows. The internal departments would be Dhenushale, Nandishale, Vatsashale, Prateekshashaale, prasavashale and others.
  • Ramadeepa – Sannidhisthana of SriSamsthana. Individualised and daily programmes held are- Gougangarathi, Swargasammana, Gourathotsava, Gouteppotsava, Goutulabhara and others.
  • Gouphala – A huge production unit of cow related products.
  • Gou Chikitsalaya
  • Niramaya– Cow based Ayurvedic treatment unit .